
Friday, January 25, 2013

Beautiful Gown from Reuse Thing

Beautiful Gown from Reuse Thing

Reporter       : Good afternoon Miss. How do you do ?
Informant     : Oh, Good afternoon. How do you do? Can I help you?
Reporter       : First, let me introduce my self.  My name is Fatimah from “Student Magazine”. I would like to interview with you. Would you?
Informant     : Oh, with a pleasure. Let’s find comfortable place.
Reporter       : What’s your name, Miss?
Informant     : My name is Arlitta Intan Kusuma but, my friend usually call me Intan. I’m from 10th grade
Reporter       : OK Miss Intan, This event is “Fashion Show with Recycle  Material” do you agree? What’s your opinion?
Informant     : Of course I agree. In think this event is useful and full of education because we can reuse useless material to become unique and interesting one. For example become beautiful gown like this. I we can learn how to be entrepreneur that can production useful thing that can use for consumers.
Reporter       : Why do you think this event is useful? Please explain!
Informant     : Em… because we reuse the useless material so that not only throw out in trash but we can use it and also we can keep clean our environment and reduce global warming.
Reporter       : ohh… Did you proud to participate this event? Why?
Informant     : Of course because I can participate to keep our earth from global warming and from pollution that can damage our life now and future.
Reporter       : Um.. good reason. So, your school care with our earth. Right?
Informant     : Yeah… we realize that nowadays our earth was by damaged with air, soil, water pollution. We think how will our life in future if we don’t reserve our home, earth.
Reporter       : So, your school is school that care and work hard to keep our earth. Um… How much your school hold this event?
Informant     : This is the first time, and we hope it can continue in future and develop to be better.
Reporter       : Who is hold this event ? And how was the reaction of student of this event.
Informant     : That held this event were student organization. The reaction of students is good. They supported it event well. They were very proud because they can also do useful thing although it was very simple thing.
Reporter       : Whoa… the best students. I am also proud. How long did you prepared to this event?
Informant     : Emm… we prepared everything just 3 days, so my friend and I have to go home late. We were happy and do it with a pleasure.
Reporter       : Wow amazing! Just 3 days but you can make a excellent gown. What do you feel that you can participate this event?
Informant     : I am very proud and happy can do good thing. It was very artistic and also useful. I can learn that artistic thing can we get from useless thing.
Reporter       : OK. I think that’s all. Thank you for your information and sorry if I disturb your time.
Informant     : Oh… I’m okay. I’m very glad because other people can get useful information from me.
Reporter       :  Good bye. See you soon. Have a nice day. J -----------
Informant     : See you. You too J

JJ Thank You JJ



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